Monday, April 21, 2008

I am a shoe whore!

april 21, 08 monday

I wake up very early for work. No kidding. Like at the crack of dawn. And half the time, I shower, moisturise and out the door in jeans, t-shirt and high heels! Yes, I have been known to show up like I rolled out of bed looking like death with high heel shoes, when my co-workers would walk in with slippers. I love my shoes. I love the way they make me feel, even with sleep in my eye. And I love the way they make me look. Nothing shouts "confidence" when one is in heels. But my love for shoes has now set me back. By a mile!

I saw my ATM bank slip last night (I normally don't bother), and I almost had a heart attack. I only have that much left??? Aiyaiyaiyaiyai.. I'm in trouble. And hubby may not like this. In fact, I know for sure he'll hate this.

I kinda knew where the moolah went to - shoes. Lots of 'em. I have been buying up a storm this last couple of months. And 95% of 'em are at least with 4 inch heels. I have a weakness for very high heels. Which is weird because I can't, for the life of me, wear very high heels:

1. My feet aches
2. My back aches
3. I can't walk like a lady. I walk like a construction worker!

What am I going to do with them heels?? It's not like I am at events every other day. Or parties. Heck! Except for the gym and the odd coffee binges with best friend, I hardly leave the house. And some of these shoes are uncomfortable as hell.

But they are gorgeous shoes! The ones you must have, the ones you'll dream about when you didn't buy them. You know what I mean. And just to make space for them (I intentionally made my shoe closet small for obvious reasons..) I threw out some of the 'cheaper' variety to make room.
Anyway, I am learning to post pictures and work the blog so here are some of my babies ;)

If my house was on fire (touch wood!), I'd grab them first.
I know.
I need therapy. SIGH (with a smile on my face!)